Sunday, August 10, 2014

What's On Your Walls

Here in MoCo, Maryland teachers start back on August 18th, but I like many teachers out there, have already been in my room a few times. I wish I could say that I have all my bulletin boards up, my book boxes are labeled and filled, my cubbies have names, or even that I have my alphabet up...alas...the answer to all of these is no. Every time I go into my room I'm filled with dread because I have no idea where to start...

Even though I haven't done a whole lot, here are some ideas that I plan to copy. Here's hoping they turn out ok...

Bulletin Boards: I bought some adorable fabric from JoAnn's because here in MoCo we aren't allowed to paint our bulletin boards or our walls for that I need a little something to brighten the place up. I plan on using the same fabric for my curtains and a few cushions to be staged around the room.

The small bulletin boards that I do have will have this fabric and an idea I'm copying from Little Minds at Work. Tara West in a genius and I will be copying ALOT of her guided reading techniques. They are loosely based on Jan Richardson's plan and I love me some Jan Richardson. This is what Tara came up with:

This boarder is simply made from strips of white bulletin board paper that she cut and accordion folded before stapling around her bulletin board! WHAT! Amazing!!! Bulletin board ideas, check.

Writing Center: My writing center idea is coming from the great Deedee Wills. She makes fantastic Writing Stations. They are broken up my month. Each month I will be placing a new writing center into this special place in my room. It has writing sheet that are aligned to our curriculum (lists, letters, stories) with word walls! Teaching an inclusion class and kids in general it is always helpful when you can help them get their words out. Click on the picture below and it will take you to her TpT store.

Calendar: I have taken ideas from two different bloggers. Maria Monroe from Kinder-Craze has created adorable calendar pieces for my whiteboard. They are printed, they are laminated and cut out, but alas they are not up! GRR!
Through the Year Calendar Numbers

I have bought her calendar numbers, months, days of the week, months of the year, weather and temperatures cards. They are all so cute I can't wait to hang them up. 

The second calendar activity I plan on copying is Miss Kindergarten's Interactive Calendar Notebooks. These seem like the perfect way to keep my kinders engaged in calendar every morning. I can't wait to try them out.

Interactive Calendar Notebook {making the most out of cale

Last but not least my word wall is copied from my FAVORITE Kindergarten blogger Martha McGuire. Her back to school pack is printed, laminated and ready to go. She is amazing. The things she creates are common core aligned, ADORABLE, and engaging for kids. I can't wait to use not only her letters, shape and number posters, but all of her math galore packs and word word packs!

Ready for Kindergarten Back to School Bundle: All You Need

I will also be creating and hanging posters around my room for Martha's Ball Word program. If you haven't seen this way of getting your kids motivated to learn their Dolch Words you need to get on it. Click on the picture to find how she sets it up in her classroom. 

Ball Words Sight Word Mastery System-The Complete Editable Bundle

These are the goodies I plan on copying so far. Hopefully I'll have gotten everything done by my next post...week your fingers crossed for me. In the mean time, pass the wine and let me know some ideas you have for your classroom. *Wink*